Stalactites and stalagmites
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Stalactites hang from the ceiling, stalagmites rise from the floor of a cave.

The 'mites go up and the 'tites come down. When one has ants in one's pants, the mites go up and the tights come down. (Note: In a strict scientific sense, a mite is not an ant, although "mite" in common speech can refer to any small creature.)

Stalactites hang tight, hang down like tights on a line; stalagmites might bite (if you sit on them), might reach the roof.

Tights hang from the Ceiling, and Mites crawling around on the Ground

You need might to do push-ups (from the floor). You must hold tight doing chin-ups (off the ceiling).

Stalactites are on the ceiling. Stalagmites are on the ground.

Stalactites cling tight to the ceiling; stalagmites might reach the ceiling.